Keep PrayingIf you have a loved one that you've been praying for (praying that they would come to know the Lord), let me encourage you. Don't be angry with them. Don't be impatient with them and most of all, don't judge them because we've all walked that path before- that path where we have to acknowledge our own weaknesses and shortcomings and our need for God. Know this: God has already planted seeds, God was already watered those seeds, and now it's just time to wait and let those seeds of truth grow and develop into faith. Don't rush it!!... Let God do it in His timing because when they are ripe (ripe for the picking); when they get to that place where they are desperate for God, You will not be able to...Hell will not be able to hold them back from pursuing God! So, just know that whatever God has started...He WILL bring it to completion. (Philippians 1:6) Be blessed!! Naifa |